

day trippin'

as crappy a day as this may have seemed, being urology day down at gosford.. i can't help but beam with smiles. ran into some of my favorite people.. well, those that bring a smile to my face anyway. those that i'm glad to see any time of the day, any day of the week.

an hour-long journey that wasn't quite
from newie to gosford, i sped with delight
'twas heading towards love and familiarity,
whizzed down the F3 into old territory

turned off the ramp and down the mountain pass
pulled right up to beane street, as bold as brass!
had nuls there with welcoming greets
as i found parking and hopped off the streets.

up into their apartment, i followed wide-eyed
old trinkets of mine, there i spied!
abs emerged some minutes later
warm fuzzy coziness, did the moment cater =)

we three enjoyed some homecooked delights
as we watched on teevee, those winter olympic fights.
a dessert of ice cream very soon followed,
as the sun set in this sleepy hollow

we saved little neha from the darkness of the night
when abs picked her up from ED to save her from a fright
we four were soon snuggled in our cozy little beds
as we prepared for the morrow by clearing our heads.

the gentle sunlight crept through the half-opened blinds
under the blankies, our sleepyheads it soon finds
we dance to a slow ballet of morning rituals
and even find time to pack lunctime victuals!

a quick saunter brought us to hospital grounds
friendly OT faces displaced any morning frowns
urology tutes were the usual blast
full of quirky qooks, time sure passed fast

before we knew it, 'twas the lunchtime meets
a roomful of old friends called for numerous greets!
to top off the day, i snagged a pretty piece of fabric
and wrapped up my handbrake and gearshift, 'twas real quick.

i managed to get back to newie in one solid piece
signatures for my logbook criteria, i even appeased!
unexpected messages of the electronic kind
sent more happy thoughts whizzing through my mind.

delirious from sporadic communication
those msgs made me beam with all the attention
blessed am i to have all these friends,
the ones i am sure will stay til the end.

to all these wonderful kindred spirits,
these ones i dearly dearly love to bits,
i'd like to extend my heartfelt thanks
for putting up with my cricks and cranks =)

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