

bitten by the doodle bug

sigh. supposed to be wrapping up the review tonight. instead, this was what i sacrificed my sleep for... *sigh* yes, that was me doodling the chook, not some poltergeist. (i love the website tho! neat concept and design!)

new personal deadline: sunday nite. must finish reviewing that guideline. grr!!
i think i also need to stop treating my blog as my personal post-it note program and grab a copy of that from D instead.

on a happy note tho..
  • even tho i didn't get to meet up with I, i got to yak on the phone with her
  • i got some opthalmology revision just by going thru the blasted guidelines
  • managed to come up with a 1cm stack of derm notecards
  • caught up with N sorta on msn.. until my comp went bonkers. he was gone when i rebooted bleahh
  • vacuumed my place
  • went thru about a quarter of a bottle of nutella in one nite. im talking about the big 750g bottles..*slurp*

off to sleep ~ need to get rid of panda syndrome.

1 comment:

AcidFlask said...

I like :)