despite the recent spate of intern ickies, i've been feeling a teeny bit excited. over what, i'm not sure. i guess i can attribute it to post-exam bliss. it would be pretty hard to fail oncology exams, seeing that it was nearly a hundred marks in total but in the meantime, i'll still go hug my tree trunks until they release the results next month. as for the ED osces, they made me one mumbling stammering nervous wreck but i was lucky enough to get the nicest examiners =) i'm not sure if they saw through my facade, or if they genuinely thought that i did well when they gave me really awesome feedback. ah well.
another source of excitement would be QH and his girl coming over to visit. tomorrow! eeek! so much cleaning to do.. my place has disintegrated into a dilapidated disaster due to the recent last minute cramming for exams. means everything else was pretty much neglected.. meant lots of orders of take-out and empty containers littering the kitchen counter. hmm. you didn't have to know that.
also managed to shed some light on an old grudge of mine. i'm not mad, i don't hate.. i'm just disappointed and didn't expect the behavior that resulted. i thought she was better than this, but i guess she has shown me wrong. anyway, i'm glad to realize that this grudge, this not being able to let go wasn't because i cared. phew.
in other news, there'll be a li'l get-together at nuls' place tonight.. can't wait to catch up! and then next week, i'm set to jet for singapore and then taiwan until the end of the month. catching up with new and old friends will be a treat! only thing i'm stressing about would be the awful humid weather that i know i'll face. and the friggin' killer mozzies they have in taiwan that make my arms and leg resemble umm.. gingerbread men with too many gumdrops? =S
also can't wait for the next two rotations to be over. two more months and then i'll be stuck with a med degree i can't do anything with because i haven't even been provisionally registered. bah. it'll be a fun challenge to see what i can get up to for Q4 2007 =) guess there were more reasons for excitement than i thought =) will be back in a month or so!