

another round of gnarrrrghh!

...and i thought i could leave the hospital in peace to embrace the crazy weekend that was to come. the little sister graduation's tomorrow. 50 screaming teenage girls to babysit, oops i mean mentor and guide, through more than 12 hours of continuous contact to get them through the formal dinner and speeches... wish me luck.

but nooo..
finished afternoon rounds by 3.30ish. finished all our jobs. wrote up all the fluids, med charts and ordered bloods to last us through to monday. weekend discharge letters and scripts all ready to go. i manage to get less than 1km away from the hospital when my pager rings.

i know it's my fault for returning the initial page, but curiosity got the better of me. one of these days, it's gonna kill me. so to cut a long story short, it took me a total of three attempts from hospital to car in the parking lot to safely make it back home. you will understand why it irked me to no end when i got a fourth page at 5.30pm about 30 seconds after walking through the door after picking up my parcel from the post office (thank you A!!!) and bringing in the shopping for the weekend.



dear waste of air and space,

it is half past five on a friday afternoon. you are not obliged to call me to review my post-op colorectal patient just because i'm the intern for the team, but that's ok. i'll indulge because i'll assume you thought that surgical people leave the hospital at 5.30pm despite starting at 7am or earlier, just like the physicians. i'll even indulge you in thinking that i'm the gastroenterology intern that you thought you paged to review a colorectal patient. so, when i tell you i'm physically not in the hospital, you need to gasp in horror and wail at me. "who is going to review the patient then?," you lament.

now listen carefully. there is this thing called overtime. there are people rostered to work overtime. that is what they're paid to do. overtime starts at 4.30pm for surgical wards. even if you didn't know that, overtime kicks in by 5pm. try paging one of them next time.

spits and spats,


dear eagle-eyes,

before you next decide to write down the patient's bed number and "TPN order + IVF + warfarin dose" or "IVF" not once, but twice after the first one was crossed out, do try to keep your eyes open and the neurons firing to register the blue ink that can be translated as drug and fluid orders that have been charted until bloody monday.

if looks could kill,

ooh, there are much more where those two letters came from. for those who are interested, feel free to tune in daily from 6.30am to 6.30pm, monday through friday. broadcasts can be heard in the vicinity of the hospital.


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